[Alicia Davis] If you have been feeling any kind of difficult feelings over the last month as we’ve been coming into this new year, we really want to support you in a possible way to handle those, don’t we? Stacie?
[Stacie Watson] Yeah, I know that for both of us, as well as for so many of the leaders that we’ve been talking to since the first of the year, there’s just a lot going on. People are very preoccupied with things, both kind of very local and national, that are very top of mind. And there’s a lot that feels out of control, and it’s showing up for people in lots of different ways. And I think often we can get in our heads about what’s going on, and that causes us to kind of move out of the present moment, because we’re all sort of up in our heads worried about the future or, you know, frustrated by the past events. And so you have sort of found a practice that has been really helpful, and we thought it might be something to share, right?
[Alicia Davis] Yeah, you know, it’s, I follow Tara Brock as you do, and it’s this practice that she’s done forever. It’s called RAIN. The acronym for it is RAIN, and it stands for recognize… and the R is recognize, recognize that, oh, I’m feeling really anxious right now, and name it, right? And then the A stands for allow. And allow means, oh, you know what? I’m feeling really anxious right now. I’m just going to allow myself to feel that for a moment. Because, you know, a lot of times we don’t want to feel the feelings that are hard…
[Stacie Watson] Right.
[Alicia Davis] Right? We kind of resist. We push them away. Or sometimes we react instead of, like, dealing with it. So the allow is, I’m just going to make a little bit of space for it. And then the I is investigate. And investigate means I’m going to notice where I’m feeling it in my body. Because, like you just said, when we get out of our heads and into our bodies, it brings us into the present moment. So if I’m feeling anxious, Oh, where do I feel that? Well, it feels a little fluttery in my heart right now, or I’m having a little bit of a hard time breathing. Okay, I’m going to notice that. And then the N is for nurture, and nurture means, you know what? It’s okay. It’s like giving ourselves the support that a friend would give us, right? Like, it’s okay that I’m feeling anxious right now, you know, like we just heard about a budget cut, or I just had three people call in sick, or whatever it is… the way she describes it is it’s bringing mindfulness together with compassion. And so I found…
[Stacie Watson] Self-compassion, right?
[Alicia Davis] Self-compassion, right. And of course, when we do it for ourselves, then we can also then do it with others as well, right? Right? So if this is helpful, we hope it is, it’s it’s been helpful for me. We’ll put links in the newsletter, and you can go check it out for yourself. So thank you very much. I’m Alicia Davis…
[Stacie Watson] I’m Stacie Watson…
[Alicia Davis] And you can reach us info@TLStransforms.com, thank you so much.
[Stacie Watson] Thank you.