The TLS Learning Academy™ is Live!

We know you value your staff and want to retain key talent. 

We also know you want to help them grow and develop. 

We can help.

Beyond traditional ‘training,’ TLS is known for creating meaningful, highly engaging learning experiences for leaders and staff.  We believe that learning occurs in two parts – which is demonstrated by a question we ask all of our participants to consider:

“How am I BEING, while I am DOING?”


This two-part approach is at the heart of every session we design.

  • Part One is about understanding yourself (BEING). What are your strengths?  Your challenges?  How balanced do you feel?  How are you addressing your own feelings of burnout or overwhelm?
  • Part Two is about the tools, strategies, and approaches you bring to your role (DOING). How do you manage conflict?  Hold others accountable?  How do you maintain your own composure when things are going ‘off the rails’?

We tailor each training session engagement to your organization’s specific needs.  We offer all sessions virtually or onsite and recommend a minimum of three sessions to ensure continuity and reinforcement of the learning experience.

We offer the following categories of training sessions:

Leadership Development

We understand that ‘soft skills,’ like emotional intelligence, effective communication, and relationship building, are critical to the long-term success of any leader.

We offer support to all levels of leaders, including:

  • Managers/supervisors – we help newer leaders feel more confident. They develop skills that allow them to set healthy boundaries, effectively manage conflict, and improve communication.
  • Senior Directors/VPs – we support leaders as they work to navigate organizational and culture change, deepen trust, and make critical decisions.
  • Executive Teams/CEOs – we support leaders as they navigate between setting strategy, ensuring alignment with mission/vision, and managing the details of daily operations.

Staff Development & Wellbeing

Ongoing challenges and persistent stressors within your organization can lead to significant issues, including:

  • Lower levels of engagement
  • Retention challenges
  • Negative attitudes/low morale
  • Overwhelm and burnout

We know that each of us needs to feel seen, valued, and understood, and we integrate this approach into all our staff development and well-being sessions. Building communication skills and confidence can help participants raise their energy levels and feel more connected to themselves, their teams, and the organization’s mission.

We also incorporate a simple mindfulness practice into each session.  This practice is designed to promote feelings of safety and connection among all participants while teaching basic tools and approaches that can be utilized in times of stress or anxiety.