The TLS Learning Academy™ is Live!
Aligning leaders and teams within businesses and corporations for greater effectiveness

Business & Corporations

When TLS is asked to engage with leaders and/or teams within virtually any kind of organization, the request usually centers around a few key areas of concern:

  • Ineffective communication
  • Leaders who are struggling because they are in new roles and/or working outside of their comfort zones
  • Teams who are misaligned or stuck
  • Low morale

We recognize there are important nuances to the issues you may be experiencing within your organization.  We also know, through years of support offered to a variety of organizations, that many challenges can be meaningfully addressed through two main approaches:

  1. Awareness Building:  What is the actual challenge we are experiencing?  What is the basis for this challenge?  Specifically, how is the challenge affecting our ability to be successful and grow?
  2. Intention Setting:  What/How do we want to be different?  How can we be more aligned in our vision?  If things were working more smoothly, what – specifically – would be different?  What specific plan(s) can we co-create to address our most pressing issues?

Perhaps you are finding yourself feeling stuck as a leader within your team or organization?  Or maybe you have a team that you believe would benefit from some focused support?

If so, we’d love to connect with you to learn more and to explore how TLS might be able to offer important support to the areas of your organization that are most struggling.

Select any of the options below for more information on how TLS can support managers and supervisors within your organization, including:


Leaders at a global manufacturing company recognized they wanted to offer something very specific to support their high potential talent group.  Employees within this group were faced with steep learning curves and high expectations – and the stress was beginning to show.

TLS was able to deliver a Leadership Program tailored for these individuals, focused on key principles of leadership as well as key priorities of the company.  The program provided an opportunity for the group members to connect and support each other in meaningful ways.  It also provided some individual coaching for each member, which was critical for these essential, new leaders.

Positive impact on our staff

Since the inception of our relationship with TLS, we have experienced immeasurable results. The primary benefit we have seen is an increase in productivity in our management team. This has also had a positive impact on our staff who now see a management team addressing issues, communicating effectively, and implementing progressive solutions.

Supporting teams with vision and clarity

Even in the midst of challenges or confusion, TLS is able to support teams who are seeking vision and clarity with difficult challenges or tasks.