The TLS Learning Academy™ is Live!
Supporting the mental and emotional wellbeing of staff who support others

Staff Development & Wellbeing Training Sessions are designed to assist staff at all levels in:

  • Addressing common workplace challenges, such as establishing healthy boundaries and finding a balance between work and life
  • Increasing self-awareness about one’s own wellbeing and gaining tools and strategies that support higher levels of wellbeing

Below is the listing of the most commonly requested Staff Development & Wellbeing Sessions:

Communicate Don't Alienate

Communicate with Skill
This session will address specific approaches to written and verbal communication that can increase efficiency and effectiveness.  Participants will have the opportunity to complete a Personal Action Plan to assist them in carrying key themes and approaches from the program into daily practice.

Communicate with Confidence
This session will emphasize how to act with more confidence when communicating in real-world situations.  Participants will explore the role that body language, beliefs, and delivery impact confidence.  They will also explore passive, aggressive, and assertive approaches to communication that may impact effectiveness.  Participants will receive support on how to better communicate when asked to assert an opinion and/or take a clear and firm position.

Communicate to Drive Action
This session explores the impact of presence and preparation to facilitate effective meetings and sessions.  Participants will address specific approaches to written and verbal communications that can increase efficiency and effectiveness.  Participants will also have the opportunity to identify skills for giving and receiving constructive feedback.  A Personal Action Plan will be developed which identifies key themes and approaches that participants want to put into daily practice.



Recognizing & Addressing Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever experienced uncertainty about starting something new – or stepping into a new role?  Maybe you’ve heard of ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and wondered if that might be what you are experiencing. Join us as we explore Imposter Syndrome and normalize some of the ‘not-so-sure’ feelings you may experience!  We’ll share some signs and behavior patterns that might be getting in your way and also explore ways you can support yourself and others through an Equity and Inclusion lens.

Confidence Series #1 – Know Yourself
Confidence is one of those ‘big’ words that we know is essential for effective leadership.  However, do you know how to actually increase your own sense of confidence?  During this initial session in the Confidence Series, participants will have the opportunity to assess their own confidence level, looking at it through eight separate factors. They will explore the first two factors which are related to ‘knowing yourself’, looking specifically at Core Values and the ability to be ‘present.’

Confidence Series #2 – Learn & Collaborate
Understanding what you need to know and what you already know (and even what you do not know!) is important to one’s sense of Confidence.  It’s also important to understand how collaboration with others influences Confidence. Participants in this session will examine these factors and develop strategies for gaining essential knowledge and identifying those key individuals who may be critical for success.

Confidence Series #3 – Believe in Yourself & Speak Up
Believing in one’s self is foundational to one’s sense of Confidence. Equally critical is the ability to speak up – especially when you feel there is something important to share.  In this session, participants will learn how to identify and reframe negative self-talk. They will also develop strategies to empower them to share their thoughts in a timely way.

Confidence Series #4 – Take Risks & Be Resilient
Effective leadership calls on leaders to take calculated risks. It also requires leaders to navigate stressful and even disappointing moments with the ability to continue to focus on the future. During the final session of the Confidence Series, participants will learn strategies for assessing risks and managing internal discomfort during these challenging moments. They will also consider their own ability to demonstrate resilience and how to develop this key skill.



Balance is a ‘Verb’: The Real Truth about Self-Care
The experience of ‘balance’ in life can feel very elusive. We often believe that it is a state to achieve versus the practice of choosing where and how we place our attention and energy.  In this session, participants will explore the role that mindset, boundaries, guilt, and self-compassion play in creating an experience of balance in life.

Create a High-Energy Life
Participants will have the opportunity to explore strategies for increasing energy, focus, and satisfaction in life by discovering (or rediscovering) their Core Values and Core Needs.  Intentional decision-making will also be explored as a strategy for creating a more fulfilling and engaged life.

Creating Healthy Boundaries at Work
Boundaries are necessary for people to feel safe, create healthy relationships with others, increase effectiveness, and support success. Boundaries can take many forms – including creating ‘personal space’, saying ‘no’, and managing your ‘inner critic’.  In this session, participants will have an opportunity to develop greater insight into the application of healthy boundaries in the workplace.  Scenarios discussed will include setting boundaries with clients and peers and balancing personal issues at work.

Emotional Intelligence Foundations
Emotions drive our behavior and can either energize us or deplete us.  In this session, participants learn how to identify their emotional states and explore how to not let their emotions ‘control them’. Strategies for responding versus reacting to strong emotions will be shared. Self-management techniques and interpersonal skills will be explored to strengthen one’s ability to cultivate meaningful relationships and decrease conflict with others.

Finding Calm in the Chaos:  Decreasing Stress Through Mindfulness
Participants will explore the connection between how worry creates a feeling of anxiety in the body and how to begin to shift negative thinking patterns through mindful attention and intention.  They will also practice various centering and breathing exercises to deepen their awareness of how to create a sense of calm and peacefulness in their body, mind, and heart.  No prior experience in mindfulness practice is required.

Multigenerational Competency in the Workplace
Workplace teams are now composed of four generations of people who all work in different ways.  In this session, participants will review the attitudes, behaviors, and skills that each generation exhibits.  Participants will also discuss generational stereotypes that exist.  Additionally, they will identify key characteristics of how they tend to work best.  Finally, skills for effectively communicating and working across generations will be explored.

Navigating Change & Building Resilience
Participants will explore ways to practice self-care during times of change and learn strategies for creating habits of resilience.  Building mental and emotional reserves of energy to utilize during times of transition will also be discussed.

Restoration through Self-Compassion
The impact of ongoing high levels of stress, trauma, and burnout can be absolutely depleting.  In this session, participants will have an opportunity to self-reflect on how the work they do may affect their emotional and mental health.  They will explore how mindful approaches like setting boundaries, managing guilt, and practicing self-compassion can have a deep and lasting restorative effect on their body, mind, and heart.

Shifting from Crisis to Coping to Connection
Participants will self-identify physiological, emotional, and mental states that occur when they experience a crisis. They will explore how to shift from reactive to more responsive states of being, while also discussing how connection to self and others can support healthy and creative outcomes. Included in the experience will be strategies for finding peace and calm in one’s self, as well as exploring ways that active listening and empathy can help one powerfully connect to self and others.

Roadmap to Wellbeing: Strategies for Health & Success  (6 hours, onsite only)
In this session, participants will be facilitated through a proprietary coaching process called the Results Roadmap™.  They will create a personalized roadmap that identifies key outcomes, goals, and a critical path of steps for success in improving their overall health and well-being. They will also create a 90-day action plan for implementing well-being practices into their work and life.  Participants also have an opportunity to reflect on their Core Values and explore making healthy decisions based on what’s important to them.

The Power of Mindfulness  (6 hours, onsite only)
Participants will explore their understanding of how to practice ‘being’ versus ‘doing’ in their lives.  We will discuss how to more intentionally ‘observe’ your thoughts and feelings in a steadying manner as opposed to getting ‘caught up’ in reactive states of mind. Participants will also explore mindfulness approaches that address a variety of internal experiences including – managing uncertainty, handling triggers, procrastination and perfectionism, and deepening self-compassion.


Trauma Exposure

Addressing Compassion Fatigue & Burnout
Compassion Fatigue and Burnout are states of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. They occur when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands … and can leave you feeling devoid of motivation and beyond caring. In this session, participants will identify specific signs of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout and explore the role that connection (to self, to others, and to something greater) can make in recharging their energy reserves.

Maintaining Composure in the Face of Hostility: For Staff
Participants will learn how to recognize and regulate their emotional reactions when faced with emotionally charged (anger, rage, rudeness) situations and people. They will explore the role their nervous system plays, identify specific triggers, and learn to respond instead of reacting in these situations. They will also practice simple, yet powerful, de-escalation skills to use in situations of conflict and aggression. Skills utilized will include centering, grounding, and calming techniques based on mindfulness and emotional intelligence principles.

Reducing the Impact of Trauma Exposure & Cultivating Resilience
Participants in this session will learn to identify the signs/symptoms of Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma and will assess how they may be impacted by the nature of the care they provide. They will utilize a Caregiver Wellbeing Assessment to identify holistic practices for self-care and long-term resilience.

Supporting Grief & Loss with Empathy & Compassion
Participants will explore how to support themselves and others when experiences of loss and grief occur, regardless of the reason. The group will discuss how increasing one’s sense of empathy and compassion can provide important balance during these challenging times in work and life.

Expertise and passion were so clear

I have sat through a number of seminars, both in and out of work, designed to assist with self-help. I can honestly say that your training was the first time I was ever entirely engrossed in what I was learning. The tips, tools, and examples were explained in such an engaging way and your expertise and passion were so clear.

I'm more aware of how to incorporate balance within my life

I think that today’s training was very insightful. It definitely made me more aware of the different systems within my life and how to incorporate balance within these systems, whether it be working from home or interacting with family.

Enjoyable and surprisingly interactive

This was my second webinar with TLS, and both have been enjoyable, surprisingly interactive, and meaningful to me and the work that I do!

Presentation was infectious

Excellent job interacting with participants and engaging participants to interact with one another. Your presentation is so infectious I forgot it was a webinar. Truly enjoyed this training.