[Alicia Davis] So Stacie, we’ve been talking to a lot of leaders over these last few weeks, and there’s a lot – so much – change going on, and it’s causing so much angst, so much just upset, sometimes overwhelm… Like there’s a lot that’s happening, and we’ve been really trying to do our best to support our leaders, and we’ve had some great ideas that have come out of these sessions, haven’t we?
[Stacie Watson] We really have, you know, we thought we would just share two or three of them in the hopes that it can be helpful for you. You know, the first one that seems to be a pretty consistent idea is this idea of focusing on mission, right? Like it is so easy to become distracted and for us as leaders, and then to be able to support our teams and just kind of coming back to what is it that we do each and every day? Who are the people that we serve? How do we go about doing that? Helping people stay focused on that, which we recognize is easier said than done sometimes, and we know that it can be really helpful and steadying to the team, right?
[Alicia Davis] That’s right.
[Stacie Watson] Yeah.
[Alicia Davis] Staying focused on, you know, appreciating the impact that you make. Every person, every situation. And I think the other thing is, there’s so much information out there right now, misinformation, like, sometimes we don’t even know what’s going to be true sometimes.
[Stacie Watson] For sure.
[Alicia Davis] So I think part of it is like, how do we decrease the noise, right? How do we make decisions about, you know? Like, let’s focus on what we know we have control over what we know to be true, and just really try to let go of the rest.
[Stacie Watson] Yeah, for sure. And then the third idea that has come up in these sessions we’ve had with leaders is the idea of just the importance of networking with leaders, right? Like finding your group of people that you feel the most connected to, the most supported by, where you can go and exchange information, exchange support, you know, just really feel seen, heard, and valued for the work that you do. We get to experience that as facilitators of these groups all the time. And we just, I think, really understand the value of that, and we invite you to lean into those groups.
[Alicia Davis] Yeah, for sure. And we’ve got a couple of opportunities where, if you’d like to join us, we’ve got a session in our Learning Academy coming up on March 20th, around Emotional Intelligence: Leading with Your Head and Heart, which is right along this, you know this topic, and we also have created Meditation Moments in the month of March. We just want to offer 15 minutes of respite, recharge, refocus. They’re going to be on Mondays, 1pm Eastern. You can check all of it out on our on our website. You can go to our events page. You can also go to Academytransforms.com and please always feel free to email us info@TLS transforms.com. So, I’m Alicia Davis…
[Stacie Watson] I’m Stacie Watson…
[Alicia Davis] And thanks so much.
[Stacie Watson] Thank you.