[Alicia Davis] So if you are a leader who really prioritizes or cares about self-care, right, and you know that it’s really important to do with your staff, and yet, maybe you’re just not quite sure how to make that happen effectively in your organization. That’s what we want to talk about today. Right Stacie?
[Stacie Watson] Yes, you know one of the things that, as you know, everyone knows, I think by now we do a lot of work in the nonprofit world, and of course, people who find themselves working in that space are very “other” oriented, you know, mission oriented, wanting to support other people. And so I think there is this intuitive understanding that, you know, how we support ourselves and how we support the people we work with is important. We often find, I think, that sometimes the leaders of those organizations get a little stuck, like, I know it’s important, and I’m trying some things and I’m not sure if what I’m trying is working or is it enough. And so many years ago, we developed kind of the first generation of this topic of “staff-serve.” You know, how do we really support meaningful staff care, which is this idea of taking the self care and applying it to the team. And this session is a really powerful one, because it gives each participant an opportunity to explore, perhaps what they’re already doing, and they get really specific about some ideas of what they might do as you enter 2025, thinking about, you know, how do I want to promote this? Right?
[Alicia Davis] Yeah, you know, it’s just so important. I think part of the first part of it is to recognize what you and your staff and teams might already be doing,
[Stacie Watson] Yeah, for sure.
[Alicia Davis] Right? And sometimes it can feel like we’re not doing enough, and the little things matter, right? The recognizing people, you know, just checking in with them, right? The making space for maybe people’s feelings and reactions to things, the celebrating successes like there are so many little things that can really make a difference in how people feel cared for and supported.
[Stacie Watson] Yes.
[Alicia Davis] Right. We start out with that right, really looking at what are the ways that that we are implementing care for ourselves as a team, and then really, just really considering, so how am I modeling that?
[Stacie Watson] Right.
[Alicia Davis] Right? And we always talk about really specific practices and applications and very simple things, right? Like, it’s things that you can do in a minute, two minutes, five minutes, right? And so as we’re exploring this topic, The Role of Staff Care in Effective Leadership, and it is coming up in our Learning Academy in January. It’s very much about, what are we doing? What might we want to try doing a little bit more of or a little bit less of? And really actionable well being practices.
[Stacie Watson] Yeah, if this is a topic that resonates for you, and I know it does resonate for so many leaders that we work with each and every day, we invite you to join this conversation, join the session, send someone from your team to join the session and come back with ideas. One of the things that we will offer is a really kind of fun and specific assessment that you can bring back to your team to kind of talk about – well, what does well being look like for each person individually? And that’s kind of an interesting conversation too. So we’d love to, love to have you.
[Alicia Davis] That’s right, check us out academy.tlstransforms.com, and it’s January 22nd. Thank you so much.
[Stacie Watson] Thank you.