The TLS Learning Academy™ is Live!


The CEO Forum is designed to provide confidential coach and peer support to Nonprofit CEOs / Executive Directors (EDs) as they navigate the challenges unique to their roles.


The CEO Forum

Provides an opportunity for CEOs to discuss some of their most common challenges, including:

  • Little opportunity to remove their ‘game-face’ while leading within their organization
  • Few peers available for brainstorming or problem solving
  • Sense of isolation when making critical decisions
  • Experiencing burnout/time management challenges/lack of ‘balance’
  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • No confidential place to discuss the concerns that are ‘keeping them up at night’

The CEO Forum Benefits

While we recognize CEOs / EDs may develop their own networks of support which are quite meaningful, having a certified TLS coach facilitate a forum such as this can provide the following benefits to each member of the group:

  • Establish a safe environment that creates trust and rapport
  • Provide coaching support to members directly and as they advise each other
  • Encourage members to create powerful visions, strategies, and specific goals
  • Guide the group to deeper levels of discussion
  • Support members as they hold themselves/each other accountable to desired outcomes
  • Facilitate discussions pertaining to particular leadership themes


CEO Forum Sessions

The CEO Forum meeting agenda generally includes the following aspects:

  • A few moments for mindful centering and focusing
  • Time for each member to briefly ‘check-in’ and share any topics they wish to discuss
  • Deeper conversation on topics which arise
  • Sharing of resources from both coach facilitator and peers
  • Meaningful connection and support!


Alicia and Stacie have years of combined experience supporting CEOs/EDs. Through individual executive coaching as well as through facilitating these Forums, we have seen the positive impact the CEO Forum has on member participants first-hand, and we invite you to experience this too!



Professional Certified Coach

Energy Leadership Index™ Master Practitioner

Licensed Practitioner, Results System™

Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator

Former CT Licensed Massage Therapist



Certified Professional Coach

Energy Leadership Index™ Master Practitioner

Licensed Practitioner, Results System™

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Masters, Business Administration

Expert facilitation and discussions are invaluable

I have benefitted tremendously from my participation in this group. The networking and problem-solving that has occurred have been of utmost importance. As a member, I’ve been able to gain insight by hearing different perspectives offered by the other leaders and learn different ways of looking at and handling issues. The expert facilitation of the meetings and the depth of the discussions in this forum is invaluable.

This is exactly what I have needed and longed for

This type of support is exactly what I have needed and longed for in the 22 years that I have been in executive management! CEOs need a place to connect with peers, build solid relationships, and be able to speak openly and without judgment. I can’t imagine a leader at the helm who wouldn’t want, need, and benefit from this supportive forum.

The CEO Forum

Please contact us for more information regarding pricing and scheduling.