[Alicia Davis] Happy New Year!
[Stacie Watson] Happy New Year!
[Alicia Davis] It’s 2024 and we are so grateful to have made it through the New Year, aren’t we, Stacie?
[Stacie Watson] Oh, yeah, it was nice, I think we had kind of it felt like a little bit of a longer break. Maybe just because of the way the calendar fell. And I know I spent a lot of time with my kids and their friends. And, you know, just able to spend time with my friends. And it was just a really kind of busy, but also really fun and enjoyable time to just sort of not be thinking about work so much and just being present with family and friends. What about you?
[Alicia Davis] That’s right, well, you know, I did something similar, you know, I get to spend time with my dad. I got to spend time with all of our relatives who are in different parts of the country. Some came here, we went there. And, you know, we talked Stacie about our, this idea of one word. Right? A theme to carry us through the year. Right? We talked about it before the holidays, and, you know, I think you and I both just kind of getting back after the rest and letting the brain kind of turn off. Now we’re kind of turning back on, right? And for me, you know, I was going back and forth with this idea of a theme for the year around possibility or potential. And I decided I really love the word potential. Because there’s power to it. It includes possibility, right? It’s about how can I be even more of who I am. How can I be more of who I am in all aspects of my life, like in our partnership, and TLS, right in my relationship with my honey, in relationship to friends and family, to our clients. So potential is my word. And I also realized that part of that, for me is also very much about self-care. So I think I’m going to have a word and a half…
[Stacie Watson] We’ll let ya!
[Alicia Davis] Okay. So what I mean by that is really paying attention to what my body needs to, you know, there are some appointments I want to make for myself, there’s some, you know, just really getting back into a little bit of a rhythm around, you know, using my Peloton, eating a little bit better, you know, just like not necessarily big things, but just the little things that I know really make a big difference. And so that’s my focus for this year.
[Stacie Watson] I love that. And I think that’s such a helpful way to think about, you know, I think many people have this idea of self-care. And it can feel burdensome in some ways, like, “Oh, one more thing that I have to do” or feel guilty if I don’t do, and I feel like the energy you’re talking about is really this desire to just be centering yourself in important ways, right? To be whatever that might mean. And I think that’s really important. You know, my word is – was and is – connection. And I think as I’ve really sat with that, over the holidays, I tried to be really aware of what connection was feeling like in any given moment, you know, not only was I connecting to the people around me, but how was I feeling in terms of being connected to myself. And after four or five social events in a row, I found that I was pretty disconnected to myself, even though I had great connection with other people. So it was really a nice reminder that I need to come back to myself even after those moments of sort of expending my energy outward, that I have to find ways to kind of come back to myself. So I do feel these words have such power. And again, we talked last year, about sort of doing and being and I think really sitting with the being of these words, you know, how are we being into these words, it’s really powerful. So I’m excited about it.
[Alicia Davis] Yeah, me too. And we would invite you, you know, if you contemplated a word or a theme we would love to hear it, right, and to have you share it with us. DM us or email us at info@TLStransforms.com. We really hope that this in some way supports you in really connecting more with yourself and really also realizing your own potential and whatever ways and words feel right for you.
[Stacie Watson] Absolutely.
[Alicia Davis] Thank you so, so much.
[Stacie Watson] Yeah, and here’s a wonderful 2024 for all of us.
[Alicia Davis] That is for sure. Take care.
[Stacie Watson] Take good care.