The TLS Learning Academy™ - Launching in April 2024

One Word

It’s about choosing a word for the year. And choosing a word that has some kind of meaning to you, more about how you want to be, how you want to show up.

word of the year


[Alicia Davis] Hello, thanks for joining us today… again. And, you know, Stacie, this is the end of the year. You know, first and foremost, we want to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday and New Year, right?

[Stacie Watson] Absolutely.

[Alicia Davis] And we also know that the New Year often brings this reflection time. And we wanted to just talk about that in a little bit of a different way. Right?

[Stacie Watson] Yeah, so I was just listening to a podcast, and the person was sort of saying, “Oh, it’s another one of those new year new you kind of things, right?” Where we’ve experienced, in so many different facets, you know, all of the messages about how we should do this differently in the new year, or start doing this in the new year. And as you pointed out, as we were talking about this, that’s all very doing-focused, you know, what are we doing or not doing, and you introduced me to a practice several years ago, that sort of is one that you have adopted at the end of the year. And it’s much more about being and I wondered if you would share that?

[Alicia Davis] Yeah, for sure. Well, you know, we read a lot and listen to lots of podcasts, and I honestly do not remember where I read this or heard this. And it’s about choosing a word for the year. And choosing a word that has some kind of meaning to you. That is more about how you want to be, right? How do you want to show up? What do you want to be looking for or forward to in the New Year? Throughout the entire year. So it’s not just like, here’s January, we’re hitting the gym again, it’s more about, okay, how do I want to evolve throughout the entire year? And so yeah, that’s a word. And, you know, how do you pick your words, Stacie?

[Stacie Watson] Well, you know, I think that I’ve been doing this, I think this is about my fourth year because we’ve been together for five years, which is unbelievable! And I think in years past, sometimes it’s come from conversations that you and I are having, or things that we’re really talking about in terms of the business. This one came to me, my word for this year for 2023 has been curiosity. And I just feel like it has been such a powerful state of being and when I can remember to be in the place of curiosity, it’s just made me I think, a more effective coach, a better listener, a better partner, a better parent, I mean, all of the things. And so to your point, these words, as we kind of find them, really inform many facets of our lives. And so my 2024 word came while I was driving a week or so ago, and it just became so abundantly clear that that was my word that I just knew in my bones that that was the word.

[Alicia Davis] And, do you want to share with us what your word is?

[Stacie Watson] Sure. So my word is connection. And when I initially had this kind of realization that that was going to be my word, I think I was very much thinking about connecting outwardly. Connecting with people, connecting with clients, connecting with whomever. And then as I’ve sort of been sitting with this word over these last few days, it’s also become really apparent to me that part of my journey is about connecting inward. Really, becoming even more connected to what I need in terms of physical health, what I need in terms of mental health, just how do I need to stay connected to myself. And how even as a business owner, I can stay connected and how I can support you in staying connected. So it’s interesting as you know, my experiences as I find these words, they take on deeper and deeper meaning. And I do think about them throughout the year. So I’m curious where you are in your ‘find the word’ process?

[Alicia Davis] Well, you know, we were talking about this a couple of weeks ago, and so I’ve just, it’s just been percolating, you know, I haven’t really like focused on it, and then all of a sudden, literally, I was in the shower, and all of a sudden, the word potential popped into my mind. And, and I was like, oh, I just felt there was a power in that. And then, like today, so it’s just been iterating. I’ve been sitting with it, and then today, another word of possibilities came in, and I was just, so I’m actually, I’m not quite sure yet. And I’m exploring both of those. And for me, it’s about expansion. It’s about self connection is about what I’m potentially potential like putting out in the world, what we can do in our business, how I can, you know, grow as a person and as a coach. So my my reveal might be in January because I’m still sitting with it, but I think I’m leaning towards potential.

[Stacie Watson] I love it. Well, we’ll look forward to the big reveal, and our invitation to anyone – all of you watching this today – is just, if this feels like a practice that might be meaningful, we’d love to go on that journey with you and feel free to share your word. If you have it right away, great. If it comes in January, that’s fine. There’s no deadline for the whole thing. But we would just love to know a little bit about how this resonates for you. It certainly has taken on great meaning for me. It’s been a real gift I feel like that I’ve gotten from you. So I’ll just say thanks for the holiday gift again, partner.

[Alicia Davis] Well, you’re welcome partner! And everyone, thank you for tuning in and watching us and we would love to you know, reach out to us or direct message us on Instagram @TLS_transforms. And share your word with us – we would love to know – and again wonderful holidays whatever you celebrate, enjoy yourself, and your family time, and be safe and be well. We’ll see you in the New Year!

[Stacie Watson]
Yeah, thank you all – see you in the New Year!