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Communicate to Drive Action: Part One – Preparation

Ever felt like you were giving the same instruction or direction over and over – yet nothing seemed to change? If so, this video is for you!

communication preparation

Communicate to Drive Action: Part One – Preparation

Ever felt like you were giving the same instruction or direction over and over – yet nothing seemed to change?  If so, this video is for you!


[Alicia Davis] So as a leader, have you ever had the same conversation over and over again with staff? And nothing ever happened? If that is true, we have a solution for you, don’t we, Stacie?

[Stacie Watson] Well, we certainly have some ideas about that. I think we can all relate to that feeling that we’ve had this conversation 1000 times, and nothing seems to be different. And, you know, of course, there can be a lot of reasons and factors that play into that. And today, we’re going to really talk about if we’re trying to drive a different type of action. How can we kind of prepare before the conversation even happens, in terms of getting really clear on… what is the purpose of what we’re trying to accomplish? And who are we going to be talking with? And, you know, how are we going to go about having the conversation? Just some of that preparation, which seems a little counterintuitive, Alicia, you know, that we’re doing this sort of on our own before we’re even entering into the conversation with the person or with the team. And yet, what we know to be true is that preparation can really help us deliver or realize a different outcome. Right?

[Alicia Davis] That’s right. That’s right. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to take half an hour, or 45 minutes, right?

[Stacie Watson] Correct.

[Alicia Davis] It can literally be one minute…like thinking about you’re walking into a meeting, okay, what’s the purpose of this meeting? What do we want to get accomplished? What do we need to really talk about and who you’re going to be – you just said this right – but who’s going to be in the room? You’re gonna have a different message if it’s your executive leadership team, than with your direct care staff, right? Different words, different questions, different reactions. And so just thinking about it, what are those key points? How can I clarify just a little bit? How can I get prepared? And then making sure at the end of the meeting, and we always just talk about this as coaches, what’s one next step, right, what’s one action that either you or the team are accountable for, and are going to take?

[Stacie Watson] Yeah. So as you think about this idea of preparation, we would just invite you to consider one area where you’re finding yourself frustrated, where you feel like you’re very clear on what needs to happen and it isn’t happening. And just take a moment to consider maybe a different approach or a different way to prepare for the communication that you’re doing, and just see, if perhaps, the outcome changes.

[Alicia Davis] That’s right. And, as you may know, we have a whole series on communication and this is from our Communicate to Drive Action series. And, you know, we would love to support you and your team. We have lots of learning session topics we can deliver on-site or virtually. We would love for you to reach out to us at Or follow us on social media on Instagram, @TLS_transforms. I’m Alicia Davis.

[Stacie Watson] I’m Stacie Watson.

[Alicia Davis] And we’re the founders and co-owners of Transformative Leadership Strategies. Thank you so much for watching.

[Stacie Watson] Thank you.