The TLS Learning Academy™ - Launching in April 2024

De-Stressing for the Holidays: Part One

The ‘stress’ of the holiday season can affect each of us in various ways, including our mental and emotional health. We’re discussing ways to pause, find comfort and gratitude in this most busiest of seasons.

holiday stress


[Alicia Davis] So Stacie and I are really curious and wondering if anybody out there has any stress for the holidays. Stacie, do you have stress for the holidays?

[Stacie Watson] Oh, my goodness, sometimes it’s like being in the clown car while juggling the plates. I don’t know if I’m driving, if I’m writing, the plates are going everywhere. Absolutely right, we have so much from, you know, a work perspective that we’re thinking about in terms of wrap up for the end of the year and thinking about the next year, we’re also planning some family and friend events. And that doesn’t even start to take into account any presents or any of those types of things. So yeah, it’s a lot, Alicia. And I think I think it’s a lot for most of most of you listening is my guess. Right?

[Alicia Davis] Right. And, you know, one of our clients came to us and said we’re delivering this session on Thursday of distressing for the holidays. And we thought, well, let’s share it with you because that might be helpful for you as well. And, you know, as I was thinking about this, Stacie, I was really feeling for me, uh, and I always think about, we always think about things holistically, right? I was thinking about it really, from the perspective of what’s going on in my head. How am I managing my feelings? How am I taking care of my body? And then like, what’s one or two little things I can do for myself? And so today, we thought we would talk about the first two around managing some of the things that go on in our head and our emotions, right?

[Stacie Watson] Yes and I think for those of us – and I’ve put myself in this bucket – that tend to be folks that spend a lot of time in our brains. And in our mind, we’re just always sort of thinking about the to-do list and thinking about all the things… It can be really important to remember, that we only control ourselves. And even that feels iffy at times, right? So there’s so many other things happening all around us, people that are sort of coming to us, and we don’t have any control over those things. We don’t control the weather, we don’t control who’s going to get angry around the, you know, dinner table, like we just don’t control those things. Can I tell a just super quick story?

[Alicia Davis] Yeah, of course.

[Stacie Watson] I was planning a family trip. And I was talking with my sister, and I was trying to just account for everyone’s experience, well, we need to do this, so this person enjoys it, and this for this person that enjoys it. And my sister said, we don’t have any control over whether they enjoy it or not, you know, we’ll do our best. And at the end of the day, we don’t and it was just a really helpful reminder. So I do think it’s helpful to remember that we spend a lot of time in our heads. And sometimes it looks like a snow globe in there, like what you have up right?

[Alicia Davis] It does. It does. And I think you know, just a couple of simple things to remember… Trying to be really realistic with what we say yes to, and our commitments and knowing that it’s okay to say no. And I think that we often have a challenge with that, especially around the holidays, because we want to get to everyone and see everybody and do all the things. And you know, this time of year, we can really overstretch and then also even happens, you know, as we’re thinking about buying presents, then like this is really about how do we care for our mental health. And this idea of letting your mind settle. Like, think about shaking that snowglobe right? And every once in a while could you just imagine that your thoughts just kind of can slow down and settle a little bit just like the snowglobe? Just pause and let him settle, take a couple of breaths, and just be present in that moment. And that will certainly help a little bit in that moment.

[Stacie Watson] Absolutely well in that feels like it also might be helpful as we’re thinking about being kind to ourselves and sort of our emotional health because for many of us, the holidays certainly can bring joy and laughter and friends and family and there might be other types of feelings as well. Right? Grief, loss, loneliness. I think it can be a really delicate time for some of us, and maybe all of us at different moments.

[Alicia Davis] That’s right, you know, I was just pulling out all of the Christmas decorations. And I have this really beautiful ornament that my cousin gave me for when my mom passed 13 years ago. And every time I pull that ornament out and it’s this mixture, right, I get all teary-eyed and I feel really connected to my mom and then I’m also you know, just really grateful for the fact that I had her in my life for all of the 83 years that I had her, you know.

[Stacie Watson] Yeah.

[Alicia Davis] So it’s you know, and everybody’s different. Everybody has a different lived experience, you know, even moments through the day, we might be joyful one moment and just really nostalgic or lonely. The next. So it’s that idea of this is really how can you be kind, just really allow your feelings to be there, get some support, reach out in whatever way feels comfortable. And the right, the more that you can circle back to just a moment of what can you be grateful for in that moment.

[Stacie Watson] Be supportive in those difficult moments, just coming back to a sense of gratitude. And especially I feel like this time of year, it’s sort of helpful, at least for me.

[Alicia Davis] For sure, for sure. So I’m Alicia Davis.

[Stacie Watson] I’m Stacie Watson.

[Alicia Davis] And if you’re watching this, we just want to support you in any way that we can. We hope this was helpful for you. We will give you this handout, and hopefully that you know, might be a little reference back and, you know, feel free to shoot us an email And also follow us on Instagram, @TLS_transforms. Thanks so much.

[Stacie Watson] Thank you.

[Alicia Davis] Happy holidays.

[Stacie Watson] Yes.