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The TLS Blog

The TLS blog is where you can find strategies to navigate through the ever-changing and complex challenges you face as a leader. We aim to inspire you and welcome your thoughts on the topics and ideas that we present in the blog.

Communicate with Confidence

How do you build confidence in situations where you simply don't feel that confident? It's a challenge that many of us can relate to, and in this week's video, we share some ideas and approaches that can be helpful whether READ MORE

Leadership Excellence #3: Aligning People

As a leader who excels in their role, one very important skill is the ability to align people. Alignment means getting everyone on the same page and being able to communicate both individually and collectively in ways that people feel...READ MORE

The Why and the What

Why do you do what you do? What specifically do you do? In this segment, we do a deeper dive into our TLS 'why' and 'what' and hope to inspire you to think about what guides and motivates you... READ MORE

Getting Traction in 2019

It's the beginning of the new year and we are in planning and intention setting model! Listen to hear about a great resource we found to help make business planning inspirational AND extremely practical...READ MORE

The Search for Clarity

This time of year often brings an expectation of reflection. Perhaps you’ll be crafting your New Year’s Resolutions soon. Unless you are a person that just pulls the same list out, you may find that creating your list requires reflection. READ MORE

A Simple Game of Catch

A kind word in the cafeteria, a helpful comment from a meeting, an observation regarding a presentation – these are all ways we, as leaders, can engage other employees in supportive and encouraging ways.READ MORE

3 Leadership Lessons from Michelle Obama

I found the Former First Lady to be completely captivating, quite hilarious and more ‘real’ than I expected, and I noticed a thread throughout many of her remarks that seemed, at least to me, to be interesting perspectives on leadership.READ MORE

Please Give Me Your Feedback

The other day I was in the kitchen as my daughter was cooking a cake with a friend. She asked me to give some feedback on the way it was coming together. OKAY – now what to do?READ MORE