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The TLS Blog

The TLS blog is where you can find strategies to navigate through the ever-changing and complex challenges you face as a leader. We aim to inspire you and welcome your thoughts on the topics and ideas that we present in the blog.

The Role of Staff-Care in Effective Leadership

We know it's important to encourage our team members to care for themselves, but how do we build this focus into our culture? Join us as we share some ideas on the important topic of 'staff care'! READ MORE
multigenerational teams

Multigenerational Teams

Most of us are working with individuals that come from a generation that's different from our own. In fact, some organizations may have as many as five generations of workers on staff. During our video this week, we explore one READ MORE
setting healthy boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries can be one of the most challenging things we do as humans. And when you bring a group of humans together on a team - it can be even more tricky! Listen to this week's video as READ MORE
team trust begins with you

Team Trust Begins with You

Often when we work with teams who are experiencing a lack of trust among team members, there's a tendency for those members to focus on others on the team - what those individuals are, or are not, doing. In today's READ MORE
team trust

The Importance of Team Trust

Everyone knows that trust is an important - maybe even essential - quality to have on a team. But do you know just how important it really is? In today's video, we demonstrate a simple exercise that reinforces the idea READ MORE
Improving Team Communications

Improving Team Communication

We all hear and process information differently, so how can we accommodate these differences in ways that allow us to get the most out of all team members? Listen to hear some ideas that you can immediately apply with your READ MORE

Please Give Me Your Feedback

The other day I was in the kitchen as my daughter was cooking a cake with a friend. She asked me to give some feedback on the way it was coming together. OKAY – now what to do?READ MORE