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The TLS Blog

The TLS blog is where you can find strategies to navigate through the ever-changing and complex challenges you face as a leader. We aim to inspire you and welcome your thoughts on the topics and ideas that we present in the blog.

The Role of Staff-Care in Effective Leadership

We know it's important to encourage our team members to care for themselves, but how do we build this focus into our culture? Join us as we share some ideas on the important topic of 'staff care'! READ MORE
Word for the Year

Word for the Year

Happy New Year! Join us this week as we ring in the new year with a different kind of reflection. We promise - no need for crazy diets or other 'resolutions'!READ MORE
unravel urgency

Unravel from Urgency

Grind Culture. Crisis Mode. These are descriptions that ring true for many of us. This week we're taking a dive into how we can consider simple strategies for feeling a bit more grounded and for capturing a moment or two READ MORE
Exceeding Expectations

Exceeding Expectations

As coaches, we support people in visioning the life they want and then taking inspired action to achieve it. The great thing is that once you have a clear intention the universe often exceeds your expectations... READ MORE

The Search for Clarity

This time of year often brings an expectation of reflection. Perhaps you’ll be crafting your New Year’s Resolutions soon. Unless you are a person that just pulls the same list out, you may find that creating your list requires reflection. READ MORE

3 Leadership Lessons from Michelle Obama

I found the Former First Lady to be completely captivating, quite hilarious and more ‘real’ than I expected, and I noticed a thread throughout many of her remarks that seemed, at least to me, to be interesting perspectives on leadership.READ MORE

What’s Your Intention Anyway?

Want to try an experiment? It won’t take long – I promise. Here goes: For the next 5 to 10 seconds, think of everything you intend to do today – write it down if you’d like. Go ahead…I will wait...READ MORE