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The TLS Blog

The TLS blog is where you can find strategies to navigate through the ever-changing and complex challenges you face as a leader. We aim to inspire you and welcome your thoughts on the topics and ideas that we present in the blog.

Lessening Emotional Reactivity

How do you stay focused and/or feel productive when there are so many distractions coming at you from every direction? In this week's video, we share some strategies that leaders in our community are finding helpful. We also share how READ MORE

Employee Mental Health, Pt. 2

Leaders play a critical role in contributing to the conditions for positive mental health in the workplace - both their own as well as others. Listen to hear what managers can do for themselves and their staff!READ MORE

Employee Mental Health, Pt. 1

For the majority of us, our manager has more impact on our mental health than our therapist or doctor - and is equal to the impact of our partner.  Surprised?  Today's conversation opens the door on an important discussion about mental health and the workplace!READ MORE

A Simple Game of Catch

A kind word in the cafeteria, a helpful comment from a meeting, an observation regarding a presentation – these are all ways we, as leaders, can engage other employees in supportive and encouraging ways.READ MORE

3 Leadership Lessons from Michelle Obama

I found the Former First Lady to be completely captivating, quite hilarious and more ‘real’ than I expected, and I noticed a thread throughout many of her remarks that seemed, at least to me, to be interesting perspectives on leadership.READ MORE

Leadership. I’ll Know It When I See It.

What makes a good leader and who gets to decide? This is a question that I’ve been pondering lately. It’s sort of like when someone says “they say this new restaurant is really great!” Don’t you wonder who ‘they are’?READ MORE