The TLS Learning Academy™ - Launching in April 2024

The TLS Blog

The TLS blog is where you can find strategies to navigate through the ever-changing and complex challenges you face as a leader. We aim to inspire you and welcome your thoughts on the topics and ideas that we present in the blog.

Communicate with Skill

Communication sits at the heart of the way that we work together. And it doesn't really matter what level you are or what role you have... being able to effectively communicate is a key skill that we all need.READ MORE
Exceeding Expectations

Exceeding Expectations

As coaches, we support people in visioning the life they want and then taking inspired action to achieve it. The great thing is that once you have a clear intention the universe often exceeds your expectations... READ MORE

Employee Engagement

"We don't have an employee engagement problem, we have a management problem"... was the insight that one of our clients shared with us this week. READ MORE

Leadership Excellence #3: Aligning People

As a leader who excels in their role, one very important skill is the ability to align people. Alignment means getting everyone on the same page and being able to communicate both individually and collectively in ways that people feel...READ MORE

The Why and the What

Why do you do what you do? What specifically do you do? In this segment, we do a deeper dive into our TLS 'why' and 'what' and hope to inspire you to think about what guides and motivates you... READ MORE

Getting Traction in 2019

It's the beginning of the new year and we are in planning and intention setting model! Listen to hear about a great resource we found to help make business planning inspirational AND extremely practical...READ MORE