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The TLS Blog

The TLS blog is where you can find strategies to navigate through the ever-changing and complex challenges you face as a leader. We aim to inspire you and welcome your thoughts on the topics and ideas that we present in the blog.

Communicate with Confidence

How do you build confidence in situations where you simply don't feel that confident? It's a challenge that many of us can relate to, and in this week's video, we share some ideas and approaches that can be helpful whether READ MORE
negative mindset

Negative Mindset

Experiencing feelings of negativity?  Feeling stuck in the ‘trap’ of focusing on all that is hard?  Join us as we talk about this ‘trap’ – and what we can do about it!READ MORE
culture of leadership

Culture of Leadership

What’s your ‘culture of leadership’ within your team and organization? Is it serving you well? Listen today to hear how one organization decided to bring real ‘intention’ to this question!READ MORE
leadership survey

Survey Results

The (preliminary) results are in!  Listen to today’s video to hear about the ‘top’ challenges experienced by leaders and staff members!  Do you agree with the top choices? READ MORE
culture of leadership

Culture of Leadership

What does a ‘Culture of Leadership’ mean to you?  Listen to hear more about Stacie’s inspirational conversation with a visionary CEO! READ MORE
leadership presence communications

Leadership Presence: Part Four

How can we bring 'leadership presence' into our communications, even when things are stressful and anything but calm? Listen as we share a simple 6-step approach that addresses this very question! READ MORE
leadership crisis chaos

Leadership Presence: Part Three

What do the words PAUSE, MOVE, and SAY all have in common? Join us as we explore what leadership presence looks like in times of chaos – and we’ll answer the question! READ MORE